About Us

The African Judicial Education Network on Environmental Law

The main objective of the Network is to enhance judicial scholarship in environmental matters in Africa. 

In furtherance of the main objective, the Network shall have the following specific objectives. 

  • To promote the integration of environmental law in the curricula of judicial education bodies in Africa. 
  • To provide regular forum for interaction among judicial educators in the continent. 
  • To support the analysis and identification of environmental law training needs of the judiciaries. 
  • To develop and maintain a database of judicial educators in environmental law. 
  • To facilitate the development and promotion of model judicial education programmes on environmental law. 
  • To develop and disseminate online resources on environmental law. 
  • To develop and avail to members emerging methodologies and approaches for imparting judicial education on environmental matters. 
  • To promote public participation, access to justice and information in environmental matters 
  • To raise, secure and utilise funds for the attainment of any or all objects of the Network, and to do such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of these objects. 


The Network will prepare a biennial programme of activities which will be designed and carried out by one or more of its members and/or the secretariat. 

In particular, the programme will contain activities which promote the realization of 

the objectives outlined in Article 6 in addition to the following activities:

  • the comparison and exchange of judicial practice in the field of environmental law; 
  • support to countries with the design and execution of their training programmes; 
  • promotion of familiarization with means of judicial cooperation in the field of environmental law; 
  • Development of judicial skills and of judicial educators and trainers within member states. 
  • Monitoring of the activities of the Network 
  • The Network shall take all necessary measures to ensure that its activities are communicated among members of the judiciary in member states. 
  • The participation of members of the judiciary in the activities of the Network will be regulated according to the national rules of each member state governing such participation. 
  • The Network will monitor the impact of its activities from time to time. 


  • Registration of AJENEL
  • Training Manual on Environmental Law for Judges and Magistrates in Africa
  • Finalisation of AJENEL Constitution
  • Draft MoU between AJENEL & the Global Judicial Institute on the Environment

Areas and Scope of Cooperation

  • Programmes and Projects
  • Platforms for mutual exchange and knowledge sharing
  • Reports, publications, case studies and comparative analyses
  • Technical assistance and advise on judicial administration and practice
  • Convening symposia
  • Any other activities